Born in 1961, Simon grew up in Mosgiel, Otago. From the age of 18 he trained as a Nurseyman/Landscape Gardener serving an apprenticeship before moving to London for a 5 year working holiday. While living in Europe he developed a strong interest in Impressionist painting.
In 1990 Simon moved to Sydney where he became a full time artist. Living by Sydney harbour he developed an interest in painting marine landscapes. The sunny dry climate of Sydney suited his preference for painting outdoors. Simon took part in many local municipal art shows winning prizes and commendations for his paintings including a first at Ryde and Paramata art shows.
In 1994 he moved back to New Zealand and currently lives in Mt Eden Auckland.
His painting travels take him throughout New Zealand. Simon paints plein air, setting up the easel to paint small spontaneous sketches on the spot which are often the catalyst for larger works painted in the studio. Favourite subjects are the views from Auckland City Volcanic cones and the SouthIsland High Country .
Purchasers of his art include former U.S President Bill Clinton after a visit to the International Art Centre.